About Motorcycle Training Software Solutions
Our company is focused on providing the highest quality solutions for Cycle Safety Training. Born near the beginning of COVID19, the center of attention was to move Contractor Testing out of the paper age and into the digital age.
The initial focus was on providing an application that runs on IP67 (waterproof) Windows tablets to move the paper testing out of the rain. Along the way, the app helps less well-trained instructors by only allowing the correct course of action, and by allowing instructors to focus on training rather than shuffling papers.
Along the way, we learned that humans are really bad/inconsistent* at using stopwatches. We set out to help this problem, designing a solution that is either stand-alone or delightfully integrated with our software.
Our Principal has 40 years of experience writing software for both DoD and commercial ventures, including things for the Space Shuttle and work with atomic clocks. He has built numerous products and electronics systems.
Contact us at Support@MotoTrainingSolutions.com
* +/- 300 ms or one third of a second, according to NIST Special Publication 960-12 Stopwatch and Timer Calibrations, Section 5.B.2