MotoTest© On-Site Installation & Initial Training


A Windows™-based safety training app designed primarily for tablets with usability factors for rain, sun, and ease-of-use, often requiring less than 30 minutes of training for new users.

SKU: 1

Move out of the (wet) paper age into the digital age!

A Windows™-based software service/application designed primarily for tablets with usability factors for rain, sun, and ease-of-use, often requiring less than 30 minutes of training for new Instructors.

The testing portion of MotoTest© is highly optimized for the ease of field training of Students using WA State Motorcycle Safety Program testing criteria for 2W and 3W tests. The in-office features of MotoTest© allow for customized import of registration data into class format, as well as one click production of required files for the state, and archiving of classes.

You are purchasing a service named MotoTest(c).  There are additional fees for on-going technical support, long-term application development, and to ensure continued compliance with all WA State Motorcycle Safety Program regulation changes and requirements. These fees are $1 per student per test for 3rd Party Testing, and $2 per student per course. Fees are assessed and paid on a quarterly basis.

Check out MotoTest(c) details.


  • MotoTest© on-site installation
  • One day of on-site Instructor and Staff training


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